Below is a list of all papers and extended abstracts that were accepted for presentation at the 2014 IEEE Haptics Symposium, grouped by presentation type. The paper ID, title, and author list are all provided. The orally presented papers are listed in alphabetical order by the first author's last name, while the poster papers are listed in numerical order. Papers marked by are candidates for the best paper or best poster award. Please contact the publications chair, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, with any questions or corrections to this listing.
O3-4 |
Factors Affecting the Design of Untethered Magnetic Haptic Interfaces |
Joseph Brink, Andrew Petruska, David Johnson, Jake Abbott |
O5-3 |
Compensating Position Drift in Time Domain Passivity Approach based Teleoperation |
Vinay Chawda, Ha Quang, Marcia O'Malley, Jee-Hwan Ryu |
O3-2 |
Closed-loop Stiffness and Damping Accuracy of Impedance-type Haptic Displays |
Nick Colonnese, Sean Sketch, Allison Okamura |
O6-1 |
A Study of Touch Typing Performance with Keyclick Feedback |
Jin Ryong Kim, Hong Z. Tan |
O4-5 |
Combining Haptic Guidance and Haptic Disturbance: An Initial Study of Hybrid Haptic Assistance for Virtual Steering Task |
Hojin Lee, Seungmoon Choi |
O4-3 |
Vibrotactile Guidance for Drumming Learning: Method and Perceptual Assessment |
In Lee, Seungmoon Choi |
O5-1 |
An EMG-Based Approach for On-Line Predicted Torque Control in Robotic-Assisted Rehabilitation |
Claudio Loconsole, Stefano Dettori, Antonio Frisoli, Carlo Alberto Avizzano, Massimo Bergamasco |
O4-6 |
Haptic Motion: Improving Sensation of Self-Motion in Virtual Worlds with Force Feedback |
Nizar Ouarti, Anatole Lecuyer, Alain Berthoz |
O1-5 |
Sensory Substitution using 3-Degree-of-Freedom Tangential and Normal Skin Deformation Feedback |
Zhan Fan Quek, Samuel Benjamin Schorr, Ilana Nisky, William Provancher, Allison Okamura |
O2-1 |
Methods for Robotic Tool-Mediated Haptic Surface Recognition |
Joseph M. Romano, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker |
O5-4 |
Multilateral Haptic System Stability Analysis: The Effect of Activity or Passivity of Terminations via a Series-Shunt Approach |
Ran Tao, Mahdi Tavakoli |
O1-3 |
Compliance Display using a Tilting-Plate Tactile Feedback Device |
Seiedmuhamma Yazdian, Andrew J. Doxon, David E. Johnson, Hong Z. Tan, William R. Provancher |
O2-4 |
The Relationship Between Energy, Phase Charge, Impedance, and Perceived Sensation in Electrotactile Stimulation |
Aadeel Akhtar, Brandon Boyce, Timothy Bretl |
O1-7 |
Dexterous Workspace of Human Two- and Three-Fingered Precision Manipulation |
Ian Bullock, Thomas Feix, Aaron Dollar |
O3-7 |
Volume Preserving Haptic Pottery |
Subhajit Chaudhury, Subhasis Chaudhuri |
O2-5 |
Design and Control of a Novel Thermo-tactile Multimodal Display |
Simon Gallo, Lucian Marius Cucu, Nicolas Thevenaz, Ali Sengül, Hannes Bleuler |
O3-3 |
Design of a Joystick with an Adjustable Damper to Study Kinematically Constrained Movements made by Children |
Netta Gurari, Gabriel Baud-Bovy |
O2-7 |
A Pinchable Aerial Virtual Sphere by Acoustic Ultrasound Stationary Wave |
Seki Inoue, Hiroyuki Shinoda |
O4-2 |
Susceptibility to Periodic Vibrotactile Guidance of Human Cadence |
Idin Karuei, Karon MacLean |
O6-3 |
A Low-cost Tactile-Proprioceptive Mobile Communication Aid for Users who are Deafblind |
Vinitha Khambadkar, Eelke Folmer |
O3-1 |
Using Haptics To Probe Human Contact Control Strategies For Six Degree-of-Freedom Tasks |
Ellen Klingbeil, Samir Menon, Keegan Go, Oussama Khatib |
O1-2 |
Haptic Strip Based on Modular Independent Actuators for Virtual Shapes Rendering |
Alessandro Mansutti, Mario Covarrubias, Monica Bordegoni, Umberto Cugini |
O4-4 |
Online Modulation of Assistance in Robot Aided Wrist Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study on a Subject Affected by Dystonia |
Francesca Marini, Leonardo Cappello, Valentina Squeri, Pietro Morasso, Paolo Moretti, Assunta Riva, Luca Doglio, Lorenzo Masia |
O5-5 |
High Performance Teleoperation by Bumpless Transfer of Robust Controllers |
César A. López Martínez, René van de Molengraft, Maarten Steinbuch |
O4-1 |
Pilot Evaluation of Wearable Tactile Feedback System for Gait Rehabilitation in Peripheral Neuropathy |
Zach McKinney, Kent Heberer, Bryan Nowroozi, Marcia Greenberg, Eileen Fowler, Warren Grundfest |
O3-5 |
Dynamic Modeling and Control of Voice-Coil Actuators for High-Fidelity Display of Haptic Vibrations |
William McMahan, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker |
O2-3 |
Dynamics of Ultrasonic and Electrostatic Friction Modulation for Rendering Texture on Haptic Surfaces |
David Meyer, Michael Wiertlewski, Michael Peshkin, Edward Colgate |
O5-6 |
Stability of Sampled-Data, Delayed Haptic Interaction and Teleoperation |
Noushin Miandashti, Mahdi Tavakoli |
O1-6 |
Coordination of Multi-digit Positions and Forces During Unconstrained Grasping in Response to Object Perturbations |
Abdeldjallil Naceri, Alessandro Moscatelli, Marco Santello, Marc Ernst |
O2-6 |
Presentation of Spatially Localized Vibration by Means of Phantom Sensation |
Kosei Nishi, Koichi Hirota |
O6-2 |
A Tactile Brain-Computer Interface for Severely Disabled Patients |
Rupert Ortner, Zulay Lugo, Quentin Noirhomme, Steven Laureys, Christoph Guger |
O1-4 |
A Wearable Device for Controlling a Robot Gripper With Fingertip Contact, Pressure, Vibrotactile, and Grip Force Feedback |
Rebecca M. Pierce, Elizabeth A. Fedalei, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker |
O5-7 |
Passive Shared Virtual Environment for Distributed Haptic Cooperation |
Ramtin Rakhsha, Daniela Constantinescu |
O6-4 |
Preferences for Touch Gestures in Audio-Tactile Communication |
Jussi Rantala, Roope Raisamo |
O6-5 |
End-user Customization of Affective Tactile Messages: A Qualitative Examination of Tool Parameters |
Hasti Seifi, Chamila Anthonypillai, Karon MacLean |
O1-1 |
TouchMover 2.0 - 3D Touchscreen with Force Feedback and Haptic Texture |
Mike Sinclair, Hrvoje Benko, Michel Pahud |
O5-2 |
An Interaction Torque Control Improving Human Force Estimation of the Rehab-Exos Exoskeleton |
Massimiliano Solazzi, Mirko Abbrescia, Rocco Vertechy, Claudio Loconsole, Vitoantonio Bevilacqua, Antonio Frisoli |
O3-6 |
Haptic Rendering based on Finite Element Simulation of Vibration |
Ikumi Susa, Yukinobu Takehana, Alfonso Balandra, Hironori Mitake, Shoichi Hasegawa |
O4-7 |
Controlling Fatigue while Lifting Objects using Pseudo-haptics in a Mixed Reality Space |
Yuki Taima, Yuki Ban, Takuji Narumi, Tomohiro Tanikawa, Michitaka Hirose |
O6-6 |
Hapteo: Sharing Visual-Haptic Experiences from Virtual Environments |
Yongyao Yan, Greg S. Ruthenbeck, Karen J. Reynolds |
O2-2 |
Early Braille Reading as an Exploratory Procedure: Perceptual Sensitivity to Numerosity and Cell Content |
Wei Yun, Catherine Scheffer, Barry Hughes |
P01 |
Design and Characterization of a Haptic Paddle for Dynamics Education |
Chad Rose, James French, Marcia O'Malley |
P02 |
Sharp Tactile Line Presentation Array using Edge Stimulation Method |
Tatsuma Sakurai, Hiroyuki Shinoda |
P03 |
Discrimination Thresholds for Communicating Rotational Inertia and Torque using Differential Skin Stretch Feedback in Virtual Environments |
Ashley Guinan, Markus Montandon, Andrew Doxon, William Provancher |
P04 |
Displaying Cutting Force of Soft Tissue Using MR Fluid for Surgical Simulators |
Takuya Kameyama, Teppei Tsujita, Atsushi Konno, Xin Jiang, Satoko Abiko, Masaru Uchiyama |
P05 |
Presenting Virtual Stiffness by Modulating the Perceived Force Profile with Suction Pressure |
Lope Ben Porquis, Daiki Maemori, Naohisa Nagaya, Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro |
P06 |
PreventFHP: Detection and Warning System for Forward Head Posture |
Jaebong Lee, Eunji Cho, Minjae Kim, Yongmin Yoon, Seungmoon Choi |
P07 |
Mutual Referral of Thermal Sensation between Two Thermal-tactile Stimuli |
Ryo Watanabe, Ryuta Okazaki, Hiroyuki Kajimoto |
P08 |
Wearable Encounter-Type Haptic Device with 2-DoF Motion and Vibration for Presentation of Friction |
Narihiro Nishimura, Daniele Leonardis, Massimiliano solazzi, Antonio Frisoli, Hiroyuki Kajimoto |
P09 |
LinkTouch: a Wearable Haptic Device with Five-Bar Linkage Mechanism for Presentation of Two-DOF Force Feedback at the Fingerpad |
Dzmitry Tsetserukou, Shotaro Hosokawa, Kazuhiko Terashima |
P10 |
Large-Area Tactile Display Using Vibration Transmission of Jammed Particles |
Yosuke Kurihara, Masahiro Koge, Ryuta Okazaki, Hiroyuki Kajimoto |
P11 |
One Hundred Data-Driven Haptic Texture Models and Open-Source Methods for Rendering on 3D Objects |
Heather Culbertson, Juan Jose Lopez Delgado, Katherine J. Kuchenbecker |
P12 |
Improvising Design with a Haptic Instrument |
Oliver Schneider, Karon MacLean |
P13 |
Perception of a Haptic Jamming Display: Just Noticeable Differences in Stiffness and Geometry |
Adam Genecov, Andrew Stanley, Allison Okamura |
P14 |
HaptiGo: An Intelligent and Lightweight Tactile Vest for Improving Active Pedestrian Navigation Experiences |
Manoj Prasad, Paul Taele, Ayobami Olubeko, Tracy Hammond |
P15 |
Contactless Touch Interface Supporting Blind Touch Interaction by Aerial Tactile Stimulation |
Kazuma Yoshino, Hiroyuki Shinoda |
P16 |
Vibrotactile Actuators: Effect of Load and Body site on Performance |
Mojtaba Azadi, Lynette Jones |
P17 |
Haptic Rendering of a Needle Insertion by Enhancing the Real Force Response of a Base Object |
Yuichi Kurita, Hiroyuki Ohtsuka, Kazuyuki Nagata, Toshio Tsuji |
P18 |
Mimicking the End Organ Architecture of Slowly Adapting Type I Afferents May Increase the Durability of Artificial Touch Sensors |
Daine Lesniak, Gregory Gerling |
P19 |
Evaluation of Rotational and Directional Vibration Patterns on a Tactile Belt for Guiding Visually Impaired People |
Akansel Cosgun, E. Akin Sisbot, Henrik I. Christensen |
P20 |
Delay Compensation in Shared Haptic Virtual Environments |
Clemens Schuwerk, Rahul Chaudhari, Eckehard Steinbach |
P21 |
Effect of Load Force Feedback on Grip Force Control During Teleoperation: A Preliminary Study |
Tricia Gibo, Darrel Deo, Zhan Fan Quek, Allison Okamura |
P22 |
Coaxial Noncontact Surface Compliance Distribution Measurement for Muscle Contraction Sensing |
Masahiro Fujiwara, Hiroyuki Shinoda |
P23 |
An Online Trajectory Generator-Based Impedance Control For Co-manipulation Tasks |
Sarra Jlassi, Sami Tliba, Yacine Chitour |
P24 |
Touch-based Brain Computer Interfaces: State of the Art |
Jan van Erp, Anne-Marie Brouwer |
P25 |
Modeling Arthroscopic Camera with Haptic Devices in Image-based Virtual Environments |
Shahzad Rasool, Alexei Sourin, Vladimir Pestrikov, Fareed Kagda |
P26 |
Framework for K-12 Education Haptic Applications |
Marjorie Darrah, Kristen Murphy, Kirill Speransky, Bradley DeRoos |
P27 |
Presenting Normal and Shearing Forces in Mobile Environment with Visuo-haptic Interactino and a Rear Touch Interface |
Arata Kokubun, Yuki Ban, Takuji Narumi, Tomohiro Tanikawa, Michitaka Hirose |
P28 |
A Novel Haptic Interface and Control Algorithm for Robotic Rehabilitation of Stoke Patients |
Kang Xiang Khor, Patrick Jun Hua Chin, Hisyam Abdul Rahman, Che Fai Yeong, Eileen Lee Ming Su, Aqilah Leela T. Narayanan |
P29 |
Effects of Low Frequency Continuous Muscle Vibration on Learning and Transfer of a Knee Joint Positioning Task |
Amber Chelette, Charles Layne |
P30 |
Towards the Design of a Human-Machine Interface via Disturbance Adaptive Control: An Analogous Machine-to-Machine System |
Melda Ulusoy, Rifat Sipahi |
P31 |
Evaluation of force, vibration and thermal tactile feedback in prosthetic limbs |
Meghan C. Jimenez, Jeremy Fishel |
P32 |
Using the BioTac as a tumor localization tool |
Morelle S. Arian, C. Alexander Blaine, Gerald E. Loeb, Jeremy A. Fishel |
P33 |
Interactive forces caused by scanning wavy surfaces |
Yohei Fujii, Shogo Okamoto, Yoji Yamada |
P34 |
Experimental Evaluation of Microsoft Kinect's Accuracy and Capture Rate for Stroke Rehabilitation Applications |
David Webster, Ozkan Celik |
P35 |
Tactile Feedback of Object Slip Improves Performance in a Grasp and Hold Task |
Julie Walker, Amy Blank, Patricia Shewokis, Marcia O'Malley |
P36 |
Strategies and Models for Cutting Satellite Insulation in Telerobotic Servicing Missions |
Isha Kandaswamy, Tian Xia, Peter Kazanzides |
P37 |
Deadzone Analysis of 2D Kinesthetic Perception |
Amit Bhardwaj, Subhasis Chaudhuri, Onkar Dabeer |
P38 |
Rapid Prototyping of Low Cost 1DOF Haptic Interfaces |
Nicolai Beni, Marco Grottoli, Francesco Ferrise, Monica Bordegoni |
P39 |
Haptic and Audio Displays for Augmented Reality Tourism Applications |
Side Wei, Gang Ren, Eamonn O'Neill |
P40 |
Multi-Finger Surface Visuo-Haptic Rendering Using Electrostatic Stimulation with Force-Direction Sensing Gloves |
Taku Nakamura, Akio Yamamoto |
P41 |
Estimating Grip Forces with a Tactilely Transparent Finger Exoskeleton for Pinch Grip Force Assistance |
Pilwon Heo, Jung Kim |
P42 |
Carbon nanotubes plastic actuator: towards lightweight, low-voltage haptic devices |
Grzegorz Bubak, Luca Ceseracciu, Alberto Ansaldo, Don N. Futaba, Kenji Hata, Davide Ricci |
P43 |
Design and Perceptibility of a Wearable Haptic Device Using Low-Frequency Stimulations on the Forearm |
Andrew Erwin, Frank Sup |
P44 |
A First Order Transfer Function to Balance the Workload in Brake-Motor Hybrid Actuators |
Michele Antolini, Orhun Kose, Hakan Gurocak |
P45 |
Medium Fidelity Rapid Prototyping of Vibrotactile Haptic, Audio and Video Effects |
Colin Swindells, Seppo Pietarinen, Arto Viitanen |
P46 |
Effects of Tibialis Anterior Muscle Vibration on Quiet Stance |
David Temple, Beom-Chan Lee, Charles Layne |
P47 |
Throwing of a Ceramic Cylindrical Vessel: How Height is Affected by Sensory Deprivation |
Mounia Ziat, Cheryl Konieczny, Brian Kakas |
P48 |
Comparative study of collaborative methods to control rotation of shared objects |
Adrien Girard, Yacine BELLIK, Mehdi AMMI |
P49 |
Mobius Transformation and Application to Coupled Stability Analysis of cascaded Master-Slave Networks |
Kamran Razi, Kayvan Hashtrudi-Zaad |
P50 |
Haptic Body-Powered Upper-Extremity Prosthesis Simulator with Tunable Stiffness and Sensitivity |
Lee-Kuen Chua, John A. Martinez, Ozkan Celik |
P51 |
The 'Chopstick’ Illusion: A Simply Demonstrated Tactile Illusion |
Ismet Handzic, Kyle Reed |
P52 |
Controlling Perceived Stiffness of Pinched Objects Using Visual Feedback of Hand Deformation |
Yuki Ban, Takuji Narumi, Tomohiro Tanikawa, Michitaka Hirose |
P53 |
Uncoupled Stability Analysis of Haptic Simulation Systems for Various Kinematic Sampled Data and Discretization Methods |
Siyuan Yin, Ajay Koti, Amir Haddadi, Keyvan Hashtrudi-Zaad |
P54 |
A Novel Device for Multi-Modal Sensory Feedback in Hand Prosthetics: Design and Preliminary Prototype |
Francesco Clemente, Christian Cipriani |
P55 |
Providing Contact Sensory Feedback for Upper Limb Robotic Prosthesis |
Mohammad Aziziaghdam, Evren Samur |
P56 |
Ebbinghaus Illusion in the Tactile Modality |
Mounia Ziat, Erin Smith, Cecilia Brown, Carrie DeWolfe, Vincent Hayward |
P57 |
A Simplified Approach to Admittance-type Haptic Device Impedance Evaluation |
Chembian Parthiban, Michael Zinn |
P58 |
Design and Preliminary Affective Characterization of a Novel Fabric-based Tactile Display |
Matteo Bianchi, Gaetano Valenza, Alessandro Serio, Antonio Lanatà, Alberto Greco, Mimma Nardelli, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo, Antonio Bicchi |
P59 |
A User Centric Model to Design Tactile Codes with Shapes and Waveforms |
Manoj Prasad, Murat Russell, Tracy Hammond |
P60 |
Transparency Optimized Interaction in Telesurgery Devices via Time-Delayed Communications |
Amin Mahdizadeh, M. Ali Nasseri, Allois Knoll |
P61 |
Series Elasticity for Free Free-Space Motion for Free |
Brent Gillespie, Dongwon Kim, Jacob Suchoski, Bo Yu, Jeremy Brown |
P62 |
Haptic Interactions During Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery |
Cecilia Brino, Saurabh Dargar, Ganesh Sankaranarayanan, Kai Matthes, Suvranu De |
P63 |
Calibration of Fingernail Imaging for Multidigit Force Measurement |
Thomas Grieve, Courtney Doyle, John Hollerbach, Stephen Mascaro |
P64 |
Configuration-Space Data-Driven Haptic Rendering for Multi-Link Multi-Contact Haptic Interaction |
Sangyul Park, Dongjun Lee |
P65 |
On Utilizing Pseudo-Haptics for Cutaneous Fingertip Haptic Device |
Inyoung Jang, Dongjun Lee |