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Award Guidelines and Criteria

Best Paper Award

EligibilityPapers accepted to the oral presentation.
Criteria: High degree of innovation and creativity; Well-founded analytical support and/or experimental evidence; Technical excellence; Strong potential contribution and impact on the field; Excellence of presentation  (written and oral) 

Best Student Paper Award

1. The paper, totally (or at the very least, in large part) must be written by the student. The advisor and/or others can be co-authors. Only one student per paper can be considered for the award and that student must be the lead author. 
2. The paper must be submitted within a year following the semester or quarter that the student left the university. This must be further confirmed by an e-mail from the student’s supervisor to the program co-chairs for the relevant program division. 
3. The student must present the paper at the conference. 
4. The corresponding author must check the best student paper award eligibility box on the paper submission website at the time of submission, and also specify whether the nominee is a graduate or undergraduate student. 
5. Both oral and poster papers will be considered for this award. 
Criteria: Same as for Best Paper Award 

Best Poster Award

Eligibility: Only those posters that are accompanied by a submitted paper 
Criteria: High degree of innovation and creativity; Well-founded analytical support and/or experimental evidence; Technical excellence; Strong potential contribution and impact on the field; High quality of presentation (graphic and oral explanation to assigned judges). 

Best Demonstration Award

Eligibility: With or without accompanying paper submission 
Criteria: High degree of innovation and creativity; Strong and reliable demonstration; High quality of oral presentation to assigned judges. The audience vote will also count in the final decision.