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Brain Computer Interfaces & Haptics


This tutorial will take place all day on Sunday, February 23, 2014. Brain computer interfaces offer a great opportunity to haptics researchers to investigate neural correlates of movement and to develop novel paradigms for brain control of robotic and haptic devices, in particular in the field of neuromotor rehabilitation. The scope of this tutorial would be that of introducing the basic scientific and technological concepts for the application of BCI in haptics, with an overview of neuroscientific foundations for BCI, basic elements of EEG signal processing, overview of main paradigms for BCI control (motor imagery, P300, SVVEP), novel applications of motor imagery BCI in stroke, tactile P300, affective BCI, brain-robot, brain-haptic interfaces, and multisensory brain computer interfaces.
The tutorial will be organized in half day of lectures introducing to the technology, and afternoon hands-on demos when the attendees will be able to try BCI motor imagery, visual and tactile P300, SSVEP.


The  tutorial is intended for new researchers in the area, and does not require previous knowledge on the topic.


• Mounia Ziat (Northern Michigan University) P300 Speller BCI
• Antonio Frisoli, Michele Barsotti (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna): Exoskeleton control by Motor Imagery BCI for upper limb neurorehabilitation
• Rupert Ortner (g.tec): Tactile P300 BCI
• Jan Van Erp (TNO): Tactile/Passive BCI
• Sliman Bensmaia (University of Chicago): Somatosensory interface BCI
• Marianne Severens (Donders Institute) (To be confirmed)



• Mounia Ziat (Northern Michigan University): mziat [at] nmu [dot] edu

• Antonio Frisoli (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna): a [dot] frisoli [at] sssup [dot] it
• Jan Van Erp (TNO): jan [dot] vanerp [at] tno [dot] nl
• Christoph Guger (g.tec): guger [at] gtec [dot] at



Interested participants can submit abstracts related to their research for poster presentation or bring a demo at the tutorial
Full paper submission deadline:  December 20, 2013
Notification of acceptance:  January 15, 2014


Please send the submissions to:

bci [dot] haptic [at] gmail [dot] com




For further info: please contact HS2014 WS and Tutorial chair Antonio Frisoli a [dot] frisoli [at] sssup [dot] it or contact directly tutorial organizers.